Wednesday, November 29, 2006

fun encounter

Oh ya, I forgot to mention... At the end of the class I observed, one of the students approached me, determined to take one of the my classes in the future. Prior to this, we had not spoken, but she had eavesdropped on a conversation I was having with another student/acquaintance. We discussed the classes I'd be teaching and she asked me my name several times. When I asked hers, I was perplexed. Usually, when it comes to cute asians, I can make fairly accurate speculations as to their origin based on appearance, accent, and if necessary, name. Yet with this one, I was unsure. So being the nosy and direct person that I am, I asked. Imagine my astonishment when she said Vietnam! So, in order to make her equally astonished (and perplexed), I quicly responded in Vietnamese! The look on her face was priceless. It was part smile, part confusion, part shock, and a little more confusion. She didn't really know what to say. Some odd noises came out as her jaw remained momentarily dropped. I love that kind of shock. She was giddy with excitement and even more determined at this point that we would meet again because she would most definitely be taking some of my classes. Fun stuff. She was cute.

I also got the pleasure of having a real conversation with a sweet German student I've met on several occasions around campus. On top of that, I got to catch up with a precious woman who I first met when I was working in Admissions. I helped her add a class...that I happened to be taking too, so we got to hang out for three hours everyday last summer learning English grammar. She's a sweety and just makes me smile.

Did I say it was a good day? Ya, it was.

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