Wednesday, December 06, 2006


So I finally have time to do classroom observations (I was supposed to be trying to do them all semester!), and I've really enjoyed it...except for having to sit still for so long (this is only one of the many reasons I hate school!). In doing so, I've gotten to spend a lot of time with one of the teachers, and for me, it's been a real blessing.

I've realized that in this wonderful profession of teaching, it is tough to build real relationships. You interact with people, but it is difficult to attain any real level of depth. Students, well, of course there must be boundaries. You can love them, you can share about your lives with each other, but there are definitely lines. So of course, build relationships with the other teachers! When!? We rub shoulders walking across campus and in fun and exciting meetings. We even exchange ideas, strategies, advice. But when and how does it go beyond that to real relationships? This is so foreign to me! In all the other jobs I've had, relationships got real. We didn't just know each other in passing, but we walked along side each other. I miss that. I love people. This is rough for me. I love people. I love being real with people.

So, all that to say, it's been really fun for me to at least begin to see past the surface of one of the teachers and to get to share some real thoughts, struggles, laughs. ;) Also, in observing her class tonight, I realized how much fun teaching can be. I was drained (note aforementioned lack of sleep), but two seconds after she asked me to help work with some of the students, my face began to light up. In just a few minutes, I got to watch a few students 'get it,' I was asked at least 4 times which classes I'd be teaching in the future and if they could be in my class, I got several good laughs (don't worry, the students were laughing too!), and I had some real interaction. The next time they started a group activity, no request for my assistance was needed. I jumped up as quickly as I could and got up in there with the students. So many things about teaching drive me crazy, but when it all comes down, I love the actual teaching part. I had a blast tonight. I walked out of that room with a smile on my face and feeling refreshed. I'm blown away every time I step back and look at all the ways God built me, and then I consider where He's put me...He knew what He was doing.

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