Tuesday, November 28, 2006

chop chop

So for uhhh...maybe 6 months...maybe longer, I've been talking about chopping my hair off. Apparently, Chris was getting sick of it, so for my birthday, she told me my birthday gift would be a haircut. So...a month and a half later, it was finally time. But I hate doing things by myself, so we went all out. Check out the new do's.

Rissy...ooh, sexy (it really is much shorter than it looks)
Sixy...ya, sexy again
Chris...look at those spiffy little flips


Are you ready for this???

It's coming...

ME! Ooh baby...

Or this one?

And just in case we weren't having enough fun yet, here's what I might look like on a bad hair day. Freaky, huh!?

And with too much gel...

But seriously, we're cute, aren't we!?

Thanks, Chris! I'd still be talking about it next year if it weren't for you! I guess now, my birthday is officially over. This might be a record for how long I've made it last! Thank you, God, for the most amazing birthday months I've ever had. You've done amazing things, and I stand in awe.


Paula said...

Oh!!My goodness!!That's really SHORT!

Joseph Kim said...

Wow Janelle, that is pretty short! But looks good! :)

trongkhanh said...

You're so cool :) awesome :P Really Silly :))