Thursday, June 14, 2007


This is me grading. Doesn't it look fun??? Today is the deadline to post grades. Thank goodness I'm not a procrastinator! ;) Don't I look thrilled? I hate grading!!! Do you notice anything interesting in the picture?

This...this is where any semblance of sanity comes from. Thank you to all those have provided candy for the journey. ;) Let's hope it can get me through 'til midnight... And let's hope I can actually finish by midnight! Don't want my name on the "bad" list!

1 comment:

trongkhanh said...

I love your candy. I didn't visit your blog for long time. Now, I still don't understand clearly how to read your blog. It has a lot of things, many modules, boxes. What are they :P If you explain it to me, I'll feel easier to read your blog :)