Monday, September 18, 2006

Hurray for Lois!

This is an email Shannon worte this morning. It encouraged me, and brought some tears.
Dear Friends,

Lois arrived at the finish line last night (Sunday) at 11:47 PM, and is now rejoicing with the angels in the presence of the Lord. In true Lois fashion her last words to us were, "OK you guys, I'll see you later. Jesus is calling...tenderly calling."
Trav's response was, "Go mom!"

All the kids and my twin brother Brian were gathered around when she made that announcement. Then she smiled really big, and started laughing softly just as if she could see the finish line with Jesus waiting there for her. A few hours later she was gone, and those were her last words to us.

The kids and I are genuinely excited for Lois, and clapped when we knew her time among us was finished. With big sighs of relief all around we talked about how in heaven there are no more tears, no more pain, no more sorrow, no more medications, IV's,. wheel chairs or canes.

And we could only imagine the reunion Lois was having at that moment with our first daughter Erin who's been there waiting for Mom for over 20 years now.

It's been the most joyous and sorrowful day we've known as the M-gang - but the joys of having Mom home far outweigh any sorrows we might feel. We'll be getting back to everyone with details about the memorial service later this week.

More later as the situation develops,

Shannon for the M-gang
Please continue to pray for this family.

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