Sunday, August 27, 2006


I did a lot today. I encountered a couple frustrations, quite a few amusements, and several hidden blessings. We'll focus on the blessings, which were all unplanned interactions with precious people.

It's been a long time since I've crossed the border into San Bernardino County. Most of my life used to center on those places, but now, it feels like untrodden territory. Nonetheless, having to be in Fontana in the morning for an appointment, then for a birthday party in the afternoon, left some time to be filled in the middle.

Banning always seems so far away from Riverside, so I typically only visit my grandparents there on special occasions. Sad, since most of my life, they lived in No Cal, and now, they're only 45 minutes away. But still, life gets in the way and I don't venture out there. So today, I paid them a visit. Nothing special really, but it was nice just to spend time with family. It's occurred to me recently that I need to spend more quality time with my family. They're a gift that I too often overlook. There is richness in those relationships that I've not made the time to let develop.

Then back through the desert hills to Fontana. The birthday party was fun, although Riss and I didn't know anybody there except the birthday girl's daddy (ya, not even the birthday girl)!! We met some cool strangers and got to talk about a lot of fun things. And we were the only white people to be found...I love that! On the drive home, we had the blessing (yes, the blessing) of hitting some pretty crazy 8pm on a Saturday...what the heck!? So we're yacking it up as we coast at a rapid 2-3mph for a good hour or so. Then Riss points out that she and I never hang out together and it's cool just getting to talk.

OK, so Riss is one of my two roommates and I've known her for 8 or 9 years; we live next door to each other, eat meals together, work in the same place (and usually the same hours!), her sister is one of the closest people to me, I call her parents "Ma" and "Pops"...yet we've never really developed our own friendship. This week, we've gotten to spend one-on-ones a couple of times and it's been a real blessing...and usually pretty humorous. I've cared about the girl for a long time, and in many ways, considered her family, but I'm sad I've overlooked that friendship for so long.

So it hit me tonight - there are a lot of cool people in my life; some are strangers, some are family, and some are around me everyday. How many of them do I take for granted or overlook? Something to ponder...

P.S. It was a beautiful day today...great day to be outside in this awesome park.
P.P.S. Some of you might be excited to know that I was able to eat at the bbq, in public, like a normal lip is coming back!! (More pictures coming soon...these ones will not be as graphic as the previous ones :))

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