Monday, May 08, 2006

bathroom business

Ok, so the shower was turning into somewhat of a bath because the water decided to stop draining. So rather than letting the Sixes call maintenance and being incredibly embarassed when they discovered the cause of the clogged drain, I decided to take it on instead. So after my shower this morning, I pulled out the necessary tools and started my work. To my astonishment, this is what I found!

Disgusting, huh!?!? So, two good things have come from this... 1) I informed Six that I have done my share of cleaning for the month, so I am done until next month. 2) The shower drains now like it's supposed to, and your feet don't get so wrinkly while you shower because you're no longer wading in 3-inch deep water the whole time! So, although somewhat disgusted, I also find myself slightly proud of my hopes, of course, that I don't find myself needing to acheive the same thing anytime in the near future!

Oh, the joys of everyday life...

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