Friday, September 16, 2005

Pool Tables and Parking Lot Convos

The last 24 hours (or perhaps a little more) have been filled with so many incredible conversations. I feel blessed and overwhelmed. I am amazed as I consider all the Lord is doing in my life these days. I am certainly unworthy.

I have had three conversations in the last 24 hours, all completely unintentional, and none with this purpose... but each has come to this point: God chooses the weakest vessels to carry His message. We are broken, sinful, and unworthy, but in choosing to use us for His glory, He is MOST glorified. That is because there is no way that we, ourselves, the broken vessels that we are, could accomplish the works He has placed in our hands. Thus our eyes can no longer look upon ourselves in awe, but must turn to Him.

He seeks nothing more than His own glory, yet in doing so, we are blessed. Although we are broken and weak, our lives are used by the Creator, and we feel fulfilled and satisfied as, in our weakness, we live for the very thing we were created for...turning others' eyes to Him.

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